Welcome To 2023

New Year Brings New Plans

Welcome To 2023

We have made it through another year of craziness and now transitioned to 2023. Did you have any new year resolutions to be better this year? Some goals for students include: getting better grades, being better friends, or being a nice friend are the most common resolutions. As we look back do you think it was a better year than the one before? If not, maybe there is more to look forward to this year.  2023 has so much hope as we begin a new year.

There are new movies coming out this year to look forward to.  A few examples ar; Guardians of the Galaxy, Knock at the Cabin, Transformers, or John Wick. Unless you would rather focus on other things that you were unable to do the previous year like reading books you can now get. Maybe learn a new skill that you have been wanting to do. All in all, this year is one to look forward to and strive to be better.