Senior Spotlight: Taylor Sorbel

Taylor Is FFA Officer At Burbank


Taylor Sorbel has been a Coyote since 4th grade, her first day of school just so happened to be the same day as the jog-a-thon. She is now a Senior here at Columbia High. Taylor’s favorite class is her TA hours, 3rd and 4th hour.  During her TA hours, she goes down to the elementary and TA’s for Sara Dotta and for 6th hour she TA’s for Mrs. Waters.

In her free time Taylor does horseback riding and jackpot showing with her lambs, she also spends a lot of time perfecting her lamb breeding lines. Addy, Logan, and Ashlynn are friends of Taylor’s that are on her drill team. Taylor explains drill team as, “ A group of four horses loping/running  through a pattern for 4-6 minutes, it includes music, carrying flags, and uniforms that match our school colors.” She appreciates her lamb friend Haley Watt for being friends outside the ring but each other’s biggest competition in the ring. Another friend Taylor appreciates is Kelsy McClary because she is always there for her. Taylors favorite thing to do in Burbank is to go trail riding.